Our expertise is our weapon and our accuracy the means with which we provide garage door repair services. Our Texas customers can feel safe with our work since it is suited to match their needs and solves every problem.
Some of the brands we provide service for: Genie, Liftmaster, Sears, Craftsman, Allister, Chamberlain, and more!
All members of the personnel know that problems will always make homeowners uncomfortable and in some occasions will put their lives at stake. We know the odds with such complicated systems because we have experience, too, in our homes and relive the anxieties of people every single day through our work. Though, our immediate response always stands in the way of problems. We have managed to create the perfect repair family with excellent technicians who have the skills and expertise to fix every issue with the overhead door springs, openers, tracks or rollers and ensure your garage system is functional and every part stable.
Our company follows a certain strategy so that all teams will be organized properly and every customer will enjoy immediate service. Our technicians are gladly disciplined with our internal regulations knowing well that our job is demanding and their good work as well as fast arrival to the customer's house will make a difference. We're actually very proud with every member of our staff for their conscientiousness and willingness to assist people the best way they know how. We do have the technical knowhow to engage in every single garage door service needed and you'll be amazed with the results of our work.
Our experienced company stands by your problems gives emphasis to tiny details and makes the difference with its services
We don't simply troubleshoot the electric system but give great emphasis to the smallest problem, to the tiniest thing which stands out requiring our assistance. With an expertise in garage door openers, our technicians can surely meet your demands and even exceed every expectation you have from our company. We fix anything wrong with the electric garage system, know how to repair, install and replace garage door parts properly and how to handle small and big issues, which might make your life difficult or even unsafe.
We are proud to have such dedicated technicians who really care to make our customers' lives safer
Our teams create safe environments for you with excellent service and immediate repairs. We also promise fast response. There are no boundaries to our services and you can be sure that our products are supplied by the giant manufacturers in the industry and we have the expertise to fix their problems. We're the perfect teams for all your needs not only because we can cover them all effectively and fast, but also because we deeply care for each and every one of you! Send an email with your questions today!
Torsion Spring Repair Houston, 713-300-2504, Long Point Road, Houston, Texas, 77055, http://www.torsionspringrepairhouston.com/